Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saving Mula

In my last post I was talking about how I am leaving for vacation in a couple of days. What I forgot to mention is how freakin hard it is to get extra spending money for your vacation. Maybe about two weeks ago I told my parents to help recycle so that my boyfriend and I could have a little extra money to spend on vacation. So all of the empty water bottles and  glass started to pile up and pile up. I was thinking oh man  were gonna have a lot of money just from this alone!!! hahaha I was wrong. So we started putting the recycling in big trash bags and we had about 3 big bags filled with stuff. Then we took them to our nearest recycling company and guess how much we got? Seven dollars and fourty-five cents!! Needles to say, the profit was not worth the work. Unless you have a family that drinks a ton of soda and stuff like that, then honestly recycling doesn't even add an ounce to your wallet.

Sooo I moved on from recycling and thought of different ways I could be making money. So here are a few of the things I tried that REALLY worked.

- Find all of the loose change in your house. Check everywhere! You would be surprised at how it all adds up!

- Look around your house or garage for things that you honestly will never need again. Especially or the things that have a decent amount a value. Then post them up on craigslist and Bang!!! you have more mula!

- You  can have a yard sale!!! and get all the other things you have laying around and make some instant cash on it!

- Take scrap metals to a recycling company and see how they will give you for it? Sometimes it may be a lot and sometimes not so much, but you never know what your junk could be worth :)

There are plenty of other ways to make money for a vacation. These are just a few I tried my self, and I ended up with a hefty amount of cash :) So if anyone else has ideas about how to save money fast for a vacation, feel free to add to the list :) And if anyone has questions, then also feel free to ask :)  Have a good day everyone! Now time for some breakfast :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I'm back! :)

WOW!! I would have never guessed that I would have two followers! I feel like I let you down since I haven't made any posts for a couple months now. I am truly sorry. Butttttttt now I have a lot to talk to talk about :) hehe

Sooo... now that we are well into the hot sticky summer months of Southern California, life has been pretty damn great. I decided to take summer off from school and just relax. Although I am still working : (  None the less, everything has been going really good. Besides the 6 pounds I lost 2 months ago and now gained them all back (summer has a way of doing that to me) I feel like I am in a good place. In a couple of days Im leaving on a vacation trip up to Mammoth CA with my parents, aunt and uncle, and boyfriend. Im so excited!! :) and me and my boyfriend get to sleep in a tent together :) I'm pretty sure its gonna be a fun vacation! ;) I'll have to share all the info when I get back :) I hope everyone else is having a fun summer! :) after all we all need a little time to chillax and have fun! If that doesn't seem to be how your summer is going then feel free talk to me about it :) I'm an open book! After all, thats the reason why I made this blog :) I would love to hear from my followers! Im so excited you decided to follow me! I  feel so motivated now! haha

For everyone else out there, I am here for you!! :)
Ask away :)