Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

So since I didn't get any comments on my last post, I'll just start talking about something that I personally think is very challenging for women. Guilty Pleasures in my mind, is something that women will do that may not be so good for her, but yet it tastes amazing!!! Unfortunately, my guilty pleasure is junk food. I understand how hard it is to resist taking a scoop of rocky road ice cream, or stoping at Carls. jr. I know that every women has those few times, when it happens, and then after to finished eating the meal, you feel guilty, like you let yourself down. IT SUCKS!!! the worst part is, if you eat a burger and fries, and your significant other eats a burger and fries, it may do nothing to him, but you feel like it defiantly does something to you. I know, I know, it can start to take a toll on how you view your body, and ultimately your confidence goes wayyy down. Then you start to feel as if your significant other is not interested in the way you look anymore. (which is probably the worst part) The good thin is, there are outlets that you can use to help keep these guilty pleasures away from you. :)
Just recently, I went to 24 hour fitness and got a gym membership at 24 hour, and even though I don't go everyday, when I do go, I always feel amazing!! I would advise any women to go get a gym membership if they have the money for it, but it you don't, then just taking a simple run around your block will help :)
Even if you don't think this is a good outlet for you to do, then try this... every time your about to eat something that is a guilty pleasure, I want you to say this, "Is this 15 minutes of happiness from this food, worth the lifetime of guilt I'm going to feel after?" I know some of you use the excuse that I've had a long day and I've been eating so good. But I think we all know that thats not the case. Unfortunately women have to work harder to keep our bodies in good shape, then men do, but that shouldn't stop us. :) If anyone reading this has a similar story, feel free to tell me about and if you need any advice, I'm here for you :)


Now since I slept in this morning, I'm going to make a healthy breakfast :) yayy

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