Saturday, August 20, 2011

20 questions...and my silly answers

1. How often do you go over the speed limit? every time i get it my car

2. Do you dance like crazy when no one is looking? prsh, i do that when people are looking

3. If you were going to be stuck on a desert island, which book, which movie, and which CD would you take with you? I would take a survival book, I would take the movie 50 first dates, and i would bring any cd by enya (it would fit the vibe)

4. What did you get in trouble for when you were a kid? laughing to much in church

5. What really gives you the creeps? sharks!  but im so interested in them

6. What was your favorite toy when you were a kid? It was called a lullaby lamb. I carried it around every were!

7. You run into a friend while shopping. Where are you? westfield shopping center :)

8. When you fall asleep, are you usually on your side, your stomach, or your back? Side

9. If fat or calorie intake wasn't an issue, what one food would you eat the most? anything fried

10. If you could hire one of the following, which one would it be? Driver, chef, maid, or stylist? Chef fo sho!

11. What movie have you watched the most? Little black book (R.I.P Brittany Murphy)

12. What kind of perfume do you wear? Stoked by Bethany Hamilton

13. What was your favorite sitcom growing up? 7th Heaven and Gilmore Girls

14. What were you doing the last time you had a really good laugh? 20 minutes ago when my boyfriend was tickling me

15. What was the very first concert you ever attended?  I've never been to a concert :(

16. Who is the fourth person on your missed call list? My dad< but i called him back :)

17. How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings? 20 minutes

18. When is the last time you went to the mall and what did you buy? two days agao and i got jeans :)

19. Ever go to camp? No :( sadly 

20. Do you collect anything? yup! the little victoria's secret doggies :)

Home Sweet Home

Well I have been back for about a week now. My vacation was pretty adventurous. Besides getting a speeding ticket, calling the paramedics for my boyfriend, and having to get a new car was an awesome trip :)  We went kayaking, horseback riding, fishing and we went to the top of Mammoth Mountain! (just so you all know, my boyfriend is just fine). Although we were really sad to leave, it feels pretty good to be home. I only have a couple weeks left of summer and I'm going to live them up as best as I can :) My parents are leaving soon for a week, so that means I get the house to myself, and so does my boyfriend. haha since he basically lives here too. When they come back then I start up school again and believe it or not, I am actually pretty excited for get back. I will have a pretty big load to deal with this semester, but I know I can do it! :) So overall, its been a great summer vacation!

Now I feel obligated to talk about my love life since my boyfriend is sitting across from me working on his tax class homework and acting like a total weirdo. haha but he's soo cutee! lol I guess thats the plus side to diabetes; it makes him a little loopy and he gets so funny.  I love that he makes me laugh :) I think that humor is the best part to any relationship.  Whether it's laughing with your family, your children, your friends, or your boyfriend, humor will always be there to bring people together :) If you agree, then high-five!!! :) weeeelll I still want to hear what you followers have to say :) So please let me know whats going on, and I will get back to you right away :) Peace Out Girlies!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saving Mula

In my last post I was talking about how I am leaving for vacation in a couple of days. What I forgot to mention is how freakin hard it is to get extra spending money for your vacation. Maybe about two weeks ago I told my parents to help recycle so that my boyfriend and I could have a little extra money to spend on vacation. So all of the empty water bottles and  glass started to pile up and pile up. I was thinking oh man  were gonna have a lot of money just from this alone!!! hahaha I was wrong. So we started putting the recycling in big trash bags and we had about 3 big bags filled with stuff. Then we took them to our nearest recycling company and guess how much we got? Seven dollars and fourty-five cents!! Needles to say, the profit was not worth the work. Unless you have a family that drinks a ton of soda and stuff like that, then honestly recycling doesn't even add an ounce to your wallet.

Sooo I moved on from recycling and thought of different ways I could be making money. So here are a few of the things I tried that REALLY worked.

- Find all of the loose change in your house. Check everywhere! You would be surprised at how it all adds up!

- Look around your house or garage for things that you honestly will never need again. Especially or the things that have a decent amount a value. Then post them up on craigslist and Bang!!! you have more mula!

- You  can have a yard sale!!! and get all the other things you have laying around and make some instant cash on it!

- Take scrap metals to a recycling company and see how they will give you for it? Sometimes it may be a lot and sometimes not so much, but you never know what your junk could be worth :)

There are plenty of other ways to make money for a vacation. These are just a few I tried my self, and I ended up with a hefty amount of cash :) So if anyone else has ideas about how to save money fast for a vacation, feel free to add to the list :) And if anyone has questions, then also feel free to ask :)  Have a good day everyone! Now time for some breakfast :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I'm back! :)

WOW!! I would have never guessed that I would have two followers! I feel like I let you down since I haven't made any posts for a couple months now. I am truly sorry. Butttttttt now I have a lot to talk to talk about :) hehe

Sooo... now that we are well into the hot sticky summer months of Southern California, life has been pretty damn great. I decided to take summer off from school and just relax. Although I am still working : (  None the less, everything has been going really good. Besides the 6 pounds I lost 2 months ago and now gained them all back (summer has a way of doing that to me) I feel like I am in a good place. In a couple of days Im leaving on a vacation trip up to Mammoth CA with my parents, aunt and uncle, and boyfriend. Im so excited!! :) and me and my boyfriend get to sleep in a tent together :) I'm pretty sure its gonna be a fun vacation! ;) I'll have to share all the info when I get back :) I hope everyone else is having a fun summer! :) after all we all need a little time to chillax and have fun! If that doesn't seem to be how your summer is going then feel free talk to me about it :) I'm an open book! After all, thats the reason why I made this blog :) I would love to hear from my followers! Im so excited you decided to follow me! I  feel so motivated now! haha

For everyone else out there, I am here for you!! :)
Ask away :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Money Honey

Since no one has asked for any advice, I figure I'll just post blogs about topics that may provide someone with some help :)

To start things off, in many relationships I noticed that there are normally those few central problems. One being financial issues. Just recently I told my boyfriend that sometimes it feels as if I pay for almost everything. Of course he pays for things too, but it just feels like I pay for a lot more. So I brought it up to him and he told me that he would start paying for more things. Which of course I loved :) I just hope that it happens, and looking at how my parents work their financial issues out, I really really hope it happens, cause I don't want to deal with what my parents deal with. Soooo if anyone is having problems regarding financial issues, I would suggest that you CALMLY bring up the conversation and state what YOU feel would make things better. I also want to mention that no one wants to feel like there being put of the spot or blamed for anything, so instead of saying YOU, try using the word US more and I :) I personally think it works like a charm :) 

anyways, if there is anyone actually reading these posts, feel free to tell me what you think :)  

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Badd Dayss

So my fellow bloggers, I thought I would share a little bit of how my day went today, since I feel like the only blogger who doesn't talk about just their own life. Well today I went to school, and lets just say that it could have gone a lot better. First of all, I feel like it is important to go to college and get an education, but it also feels like we waste almost half of our lives learning about things we might never need. Then we end up sending the rest of our lives paying off our loans only to realize that we cant have a job because the economy is so bad. Okay, it may not be that bad, but when your having a bad day like I am, everything seems worse then it really is. So bad to how my day went. I went to school only to find out that I did a bad job in math, which is my worse subject. Then I got home to my dad giving me a hard time about buying a new ceiling fan cause the one I have now is a Casablanca and its just great! Even though its broken haha
mannn oh mannn parents always think that just cause something was so great in their generation, that its still great today. WRONG! I hate my fan. it only has two speeds, super slow, and really fast. So then when all this was over, I went to my boyfriends work, so I could get a sweater that I wanted, but of course, it was sold out :(    OK I may seem like a big drama queen, but ohh my holy guacamole, I was mad about everything today! Not to mention the 100 degree weather.

Anyways, enough with venting. I don't want anyone to think I'm crazy, because I know a lot of other people have it a lot harder then I do. And if anyone reading this has a rough life, or had a bad day recently, then feel free to tell me about it :) As you can see, I like to talk about things like this. So go ahead and vent to me :) Thanks!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

So since I didn't get any comments on my last post, I'll just start talking about something that I personally think is very challenging for women. Guilty Pleasures in my mind, is something that women will do that may not be so good for her, but yet it tastes amazing!!! Unfortunately, my guilty pleasure is junk food. I understand how hard it is to resist taking a scoop of rocky road ice cream, or stoping at Carls. jr. I know that every women has those few times, when it happens, and then after to finished eating the meal, you feel guilty, like you let yourself down. IT SUCKS!!! the worst part is, if you eat a burger and fries, and your significant other eats a burger and fries, it may do nothing to him, but you feel like it defiantly does something to you. I know, I know, it can start to take a toll on how you view your body, and ultimately your confidence goes wayyy down. Then you start to feel as if your significant other is not interested in the way you look anymore. (which is probably the worst part) The good thin is, there are outlets that you can use to help keep these guilty pleasures away from you. :)
Just recently, I went to 24 hour fitness and got a gym membership at 24 hour, and even though I don't go everyday, when I do go, I always feel amazing!! I would advise any women to go get a gym membership if they have the money for it, but it you don't, then just taking a simple run around your block will help :)
Even if you don't think this is a good outlet for you to do, then try this... every time your about to eat something that is a guilty pleasure, I want you to say this, "Is this 15 minutes of happiness from this food, worth the lifetime of guilt I'm going to feel after?" I know some of you use the excuse that I've had a long day and I've been eating so good. But I think we all know that thats not the case. Unfortunately women have to work harder to keep our bodies in good shape, then men do, but that shouldn't stop us. :) If anyone reading this has a similar story, feel free to tell me about and if you need any advice, I'm here for you :)


Now since I slept in this morning, I'm going to make a healthy breakfast :) yayy

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Hello!! my name is Alyse :) I wanted to start this blog so that I can share a little bit about myself, and give girls advice about things I have experienced. I know exactly how it feels when your going through rough times, and have no one to talk to that understands you. Well, now I am here for you. :) So to start things off, I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I live in Southern California with my parents, which whom I love, and care about deeply. I have a great boyfriend of almost 2 and a half years (which is probably were I get most of my experience from). I am currently a freshman in college and love it :) I was a cheerleader for my whole high school life. I love hanging out with friends, going to blockbuster and renting movies, and eating great mexican food! :) Most of all, I love to give people advice about problems in there life, relationships, or personal questions. Basically, I sound like your fun average teenage girl, but in reality, I feel the stress of everyday things, just like many other women. I have trouble balancing my weight, along with being a controlling and jealous girlfriend.  The good thing is I know many other women are the same way :) and thats exactly why I want to help :) so if you have anything going on in your life and need help, comment on any one my posts, and I promise I will revolve my next post around that :) Thanks girls!!!